Thursday, June 21, 2018

Pig Hunting

Early Start Pig

Every Year during Deer Season I see Pigs. I usually get a pig tag but don't end up shooting one because I don't want to screw up my deer hunt. Personally, I would rather shoot a deer than a Pig.

The Pigs live up the canyon from us and cross through on their way down the canyon to root for food. During the early summer they make this journey just after sunrise. But as the summer goes on they start making this journey in the dark. So the window to shoot them is limited.

This year I decided to try for a pig early. This was prompted by my last two years of passing them up during deer season and then missing window.  

My objective was to shoot a smaller pig. But as they say "best laid plans..." This large boar stopped 100 yards in front of me in a clearing and offered a easy broad side shot. I thought about waiting to see if a smaller one would come along. But couldn't pass up the shot.

I knew that he was bigger than I wanted but did not realize how big he was until after I shot him!

When lifting him out of the ranger I was really second guessing my reinforcement of the ceiling. I had images of the roof coming down on top of me. But fortunately it held just fine and my winch was a real big help in butchering him.

I have plenty of Pork to last quite a while now. I am looking forward to deer season coming up. Hopefully I can add some venison to the freezer.


  1. Nice job Brad! If you need to offload some of the meat, I'll take it!

    1. If we can ever meet up I will definitely share some with you.
