Thursday, July 5, 2018

New Gate

Finally Putting in a New Gate
This gate is over 30 years old and needed to be replaced over 10 years ago, It is a wooden gate that was built when the fence was built and has finally given way to the elements. Because the gate was in such bad shape I ended up not using it at all. So the first order of business was to trim the tree and remove all the brush that grew in the path.

 I recruited my daughter to help me, and within and hour we had the tree trimmed and the brush removed to reveal the true sad state of the gate. In the picture below you can see the dilapidated wood gate and the over sized metal gate that was propped up next to the gate to hold it together (redneck fix). On the right is the new 10 foot gate that I bought to replace the mess that was there.  

 Here is the new gate propped in place while I was fitting the hinges. I chose to leave the old gate in place until I got the new gate fitted because it was a very hot afternoon and I was not sure I would complete it before I got to hot and tired. 

Fortunately,  I perservered and completed the project just in time for it to start cooling off. 

The fence is built on a slope and the wooden gate was custom built for the opening. The commercial 10 foot gate that I bought is not made for a slope so I chose to mount it level. Because of that the fence post on the left appears to be higher. But the gate is in fact level.

Here is the complete gate ready for a few more years of use. I will use this entrance to the vineyard much more often now that it has a working gate. 

I still have to clean up the pieces of the old gate, but I will do that in the morning when it is cool! 

I have a bunch of these little maintenance projects that need to be done around the vineyard. They are not very exciting but they are part of working the vineyard so I will continue to document them here. 

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